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White Clay Dental Blog

Getting Out of Pain: 5 At-Home Remedies for Toothaches

April 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 3:12 pm
Person with toothache in Newark

You’ve had a toothache come on suddenly. You want to see your dentist but it’s the middle of the night and you’ll have to wait for an appointment. Fortunately, there are common household items that you can use to help alleviate your pain in the short term. You may not have to look any farther than your pantry. Your dentist has five tips you can use to help if you’re having a toothache in Newark.   


6 Dental Health Tips to Help Prevent COVID-19

March 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 12:48 pm
woman putting toothpaste on toothbrush

When it comes to infection control, dentists are some of the cleanest people out there. They keep their practices as safe and germ-free as possible. But since your dentist is closed for all procedures except emergency treatment due to COVID-19, you won’t be able to get your regular teeth cleaning. Instead, you’ll have to keep your teeth clean at home for the next few months. To help with that, here are some dental health tips to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


What Are the Signs of Dental Implant Failure?

February 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 12:01 pm
woman checking mouth in mirror for dental implant failure

When you first decided to replace your missing tooth with a dental implant, you were over the moon. You could finally chew all your favorite foods again. After a few months, however, your implant started to feel strangely sensitive. This discomfort eventually turned into outright pain. This is one of the classic signs of dental implant failure. Keep reading to learn about the other symptoms, and how you can ensure your dental implant lasts a lifetime.


How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

January 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 2:33 pm
woman pointing to her white smile

Your teeth have been yellowish for years now. You’ve tried multiple store-bought options, from whitening toothpastes to bleaching gels to whitening kits, but none of them seem to produce the long-lasting results you want. Fortunately, there is a solution that is all but guaranteed to work – professional teeth whitening in Newark. These take-home trays, coupled with a powerful bleaching gel, can help you achieve the bright smile you’ve always wanted. Keep reading below to learn just how they work and how they can help you.


What to Do When Your Dentures Don’t Fit Correctly

December 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 6:30 pm
full and partial dentures in Newark

When you first got your dentures in Newark, you were over the moon. For the first time since you lost your teeth, you could finally eat your favorite crunchy and chewy foods. At long last, you could speak without making an embarrassing whistling or lisping sound. However, that was several years ago. These days, your dentures are starting to slip around more and more often. What should you do? Continue reading to find out.


2019 Dental Insurance — Use It Now or Lose It Forever!

November 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 2:17 pm
dental insurance and money

Do you have a PPO dental plan? If so, you have numerous benefits at your disposal. Your policy can help you maintain your beautiful smile, and it is there as a safety net in case you ever need major treatment. However, it may be wise to pause and ask yourself if you are truly getting as much value as possible out of your dental insurance. A dentist in Newark is here to discuss some of the basics of how dental insurance works and how you can get the most out of your 2019 benefits before they expire.


5 Easy Ways To Make Your Teeth Whitening Results Last!

October 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 2:02 pm
Two photos of before and after teeth whitening

Unfortunately, there are countless factors that can make your smile less-than-sparkling. Whether it’s from coffee in the morning, wine with dinner each night, discoloration from aging or simply genetics, you may feel like your teeth are more drab than dazzling. Fortunately, a cosmetic dentist can help! With professional teeth whitening in Newark, you can safely and reliably whiten your teeth by 6-10 shades. Then, after getting your results, you can use the following 5 tips to maintain your new shade and keep your smile looking great. Learn more below! 


Considering Dental Implants? Your Step-By-Step Guide To How It Works

October 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 10:05 pm
Implant, abutment, and crown

Did you know that more than 5 million dental implants are placed each year in the U.S.? Without question, this modern tooth replacement option is widely considered the best way to restore someone’s smile after tooth loss. But one of the most common questions people ask their dentist is, “What is the procedure like?” Since dental implants in Newark are completed in a multi-step process, it’s helpful to start with a brief description of each treatment phase. After reading this blog, you’ll have a good idea of how the process works from start to finish and what you can expect along the way.


Does Activated Charcoal Whitening Actually Work?

September 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 12:46 pm
person brushing their teeth with activated charcoal

Humans have been using activated charcoal for millennia, for everything from creating bronze in Ancient Egypt to storing water in Ancient Phoenicia. The Romans even used it as an ingredient in their toothpaste. These days, it’s become popular as a tooth whitening solution, even though it seems counterintuitive. How can a black paste make your pearly whites brighter? Let’s find out if charcoal actually works for teeth whitening in Newark, according to different sources.  


7 Questions Every Parent Has About Invisalign Teen

August 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 3:34 pm
teen girl holding aligner

If you’re the parent of a teenager, odds are you had braces when you were their age. At the time, it was pretty much the only option if you wanted a straighter smile. These days, however, there’s another option – Invisalign in Newark. These sets of clear plastic trays will gradually move your teen’s teeth into a straighter position. Of course, with this fairly new treatment, you’re bound to have some questions. Fear not, as a dentist is here to answer 7 of the most common questions about Invisalign Teen that we get.

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