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White Clay Dental Blog

6 Mistakes You’re Making When Cleaning Your Teeth

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 7:03 pm
woman putting toothpaste onto an electric toothbrush

When it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, you’ve probably heard the same refrain countless times: brush and floss. Even if you’ve made oral hygiene a dedicated part of your daily routine, there are probably some things you’re doing incorrectly. Luckily, many of these teeth-cleaning errors can easily be fixed. Keep reading as a dentist in Newark, DE reveals the six most common mistakes that people make when cleaning their teeth.


Look Out for These 3 Signs of Dehydration

July 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 11:24 pm
Woman in Newark experiencing signs of dehydration

Record heat this summer is blazing across the country. Some states are even facing intense droughts, wildfires, and power shortages. Needless to say, those facing these conditions are at high risk of dehydration. That’s rightly concerning to many people, including your dentist in Newark! After all, this fluid loss can cause serious problems for teeth and gums. To learn more, read this summary about dehydration’s oral effects, sneaky symptoms, and prevention.


4 Popular Trends That Are Actually Bad for Your Smile

July 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 5:31 pm
Woman using activated charcoal on her toothbrush.

It’s almost impossible to avoid some of the latest trends that people obsess over these days—the influence of social media platforms and their users equates to everybody sharing their stories and ideas, both good and bad. That said, there are a few oral hygiene trends circulating around out there that might seem innovative and brilliant but are actually bad news for your smile. Here’s more from your dentist in Newark about four trends you should avoid when it comes to caring for your pearly whites.


Enjoy Your Favorite Summer Foods with Dental Implants

July 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 4:21 pm
Older couple enjoying summertime foods with dental implants.

Summer is finally in full swing, and while you’re kicking back, relaxing, and trying to stay cool, you’re probably also wondering about how your new dental implants will affect your summertime diet. But you have nothing to worry about—you should still be able to enjoy all of your favorite summer foods, provided that you take care of your implants! Here’s more from your dentist in Newark about dental implants, how they affect your diet, and what you can do to ensure they last.


3 Ways Your Dentist Can Get Your Smile Ready for the Summer

May 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 8:14 pm
woman on beach smiling after seeing cosmetic dentist in Newark

Summer will be here before you know it, which means it’ll be time for barbecues, weddings, and vacations. If you’re less than happy with the way your teeth look, you’re probably not looking forward to all of the photo ops that will occur at these events. Luckily, there are plenty of ways that your cosmetic dentist in Newark, DE can transform your smile quickly. Here are three cosmetic dental services that will help you always be ready to flash your grin for the camera this summer!


3 Foods That You Didn’t Know Could Give You Cavities

May 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 8:11 pm
bowl of saltine crackers

Growing up, you were probably limited in how much candy you were allowed to eat. After all, one of the most widely known facts about candy is how unhealthy they are for your teeth. Their high amounts of processed sugars make it easy for harmful bacteria in the mouth to cause tooth decay. However, candy is far from the only type of food that can wreak havoc on your smile. Read on as a dentist in Newark, DE reveals three cavity-causing foods you might not have considered before!  


Why You Should Spend Your Tax Refund on Your Oral Health

April 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 11:01 pm
Dental care, tooth on hand.

You lean back in your chair, crack your knuckles, and let out a sigh of relief—you’ve just finished filing your taxes and you’re getting a very sizable refund! Now you’re beginning to wonder what you should spend that money on; a trip to Cancun has been on your mind for a while, but that credit card debt isn’t going to just magically disappear. Something you might not even be considering though, is investing that money in your oral health. Here’s why spending your tax refund money on a trip to your dentist is a very wise choice.


How Can I Know If I’m At Risk for Oral Cancer?

April 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 10:42 pm
Swollen cheek illustration.

Cancer is serious, and oral cancer is no exception; the American Cancer Society estimates that this year, 51,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with it. This is a staggering figure, and though there are treatment options and preventive measures that you can take, you might be starting to wonder if you’re at risk for developing it. Here are some of the common factors associated with oral cancer along with ways you can minimize your risk of developing it.


Tips from a Dentist on Spring Cleaning

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 8:58 pm
woman using electric toothbrush

The first calendar year to have three different U.S. presidents was 1841, and that would only occur again 40 years later. Something perhaps less consequential in history that also happened in 1841 was the debut of the phrase “spring cleaning.” Defined as “thorough cleaning of a place,” spring cleaning can even relate to your oral health, which might still be recovering from the foods of the holiday season. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Newark about how you can conduct spring cleaning for your smile.


Why Should People Not Let Dental Fear Keep Them from Treatment?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 8:50 pm
woman looking scared in dental chair

You couldn’t believe it when your aunt revealed she hasn’t been to the dentist in five years. When you asked why she said she’d just been too embarrassed since she lost a couple of molars. After emphasizing how important it is that she quits putting off a checkup and cleaning, it seems that you’ve gotten through to her. You can’t help but wonder how many other people are avoiding an appointment due to some variation of dental fear. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Newark some of the reasons this is all too common and why it shouldn’t be.

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