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White Clay Dental Blog

Common Teeth-Cleaning Mistakes That Make Dentists Cringe

August 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 2:43 pm
man holding toothbrush unhappily pointing at teeth

Do you know what it takes to keep your teeth and gums healthy? You might think that brushing and flossing every day is all that’s necessary to maintain good oral health. However, even if you’re diligent about those practices, there are still errors you’re probably making with your oral care. Read along as your dentist in Newark shares common teeth-cleaning mistakes that make them cringe.


Set Your Child Up for Academic Success with Good Oral Health

August 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 1:19 pm
young girl smiling in school

Now that school is right around the corner, you might be wondering how you can help your child excel this year. Did you know a healthy smile is one way you can set them up for academic success? It’s true! Recent studies show that children with poor oral health are significantly associated with reduced school performances and psychosocial well-being. Plus, one report notes that over 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental-related conditions. Read along as your children’s dentist shares a few tips to help keep your little one in the classroom.


Summer Foods That You Can Enjoy with Dental Implants

July 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 12:55 am
Woman with dental implants smiling at dinner table

Tooth loss is a common problem amongst Americans. Fortunately, losing teeth no longer means that you need to go the rest of your life without them. There are several tooth replacement options out there to restore smiles. Dental implants are a preferred method by dentists because of their numerous benefits, including the fact that you don’t need to deal with eating restrictions after they heal. Until then, it is important to be careful about the summer foods that you enjoy. Here is what you need to know.


Eat These 6 Foods to Keep Your Smile Healthy

June 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 6:07 pm
woman eating a salad to benefit her oral health

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “you are what you eat” many times before. Maybe you’ve heard it applied to energy levels. After all, eating naturally healthy foods fills you with long-lasting energy, and eating mostly sugary, processed foods leaves you sluggish. However, as any dentist can tell you, this saying also applies to your teeth and gums. Certain foods are incredibly beneficial for your smile, while others lead to cavities and gum disease. To keep your smile looking and feeling great, be sure to eat plenty of these six foods that benefit your oral health.


5 Easy Ways to Protect Your Smile This Summer

June 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 5:58 pm
young woman sipping a beverage through a straw

As any dentist will tell you, daily brushing and flossing are crucial at any time of the year. However, the warmer months come with an additional threat to your dental health – dehydration. Not only does this mean that oral hygiene is more important than ever, but you’ll also need to take extra precautions if you want to keep your smile safe. Luckily, doing so is pretty easy as long as you follow these five summer oral health tips.


Are You at Risk for Oral Cancer?

May 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 12:43 am
Man smoking a cigarette

When you see your dentist every six months for your cleaning and checkup, your dentist checks your mouth for more than just cavities and periodontal disease. They are checking for all sorts of abnormalities that could indicate that something isn’t right. One deadly disease they always keep an eye out for is oral cancer. There are several factors that can put you at risk. Read on to learn what the most common ones are so you can discover if you’re at risk.


5 Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 10:32 pm
Woman with porcelain veneers

Are you looking to fix the small flaws and imperfections of your smile? Everyone wants to feel great when it comes to showing off their teeth. Not only does it improve your confidence, but it can affect the ways that others see you. After all, your smile is the first thing that people notice when you walk into a room. Porcelain veneers are a great option for covering up cosmetic dental issues. Read on to learn more from your dentist about the various benefits of porcelain veneers.


Want Whiter Teeth? Here are 5 Tips That Actually Work

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 11:08 pm
Woman with beautiful smile thanks to her Newark dentist

When you see yourself smiling in the mirror or a photo, do you wish that your teeth were whiter? Even if you brush every day, your pearly whites may start to look dull and yellow over the years. Thankfully, there are a few easy but effective ways to fix tooth discoloration! Read on as your Newark dentist shares five reliable tips for a brighter smile that actually work.


Do You Have These 5 Traits of a Beautiful Smile?

April 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 4:13 pm
Woman with beautiful smile thanks to Newark cosmetic dentist

It’s no secret that a beautiful smile is an important trait in today’s society. But what makes a smile “beautiful?” When we look at someone’s smile, there are several factors our brain’s take into consideration when forming an opinion of them. In fact, researchers believe that there are five key aspects we subconsciously look for to determine if a set of pearly whites is pretty or not. Improving even just one of these traits can dramatically improve your smile! Read on as your Newark cosmetic dentist breaks down the five most common traits of a beautiful smile and how cosmetic dentistry can help!


Not Flossing Every Day? Here’s Why You Should be!

March 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — whiteclayteam @ 11:11 am
woman talking to dentist in Newark

It doesn’t take a huge effort to maintain healthy teeth and gums. However, it’s of the utmost importance to perform the right habits consistently. While most people will brush on a regular basis, many fall short in the flossing department. If this is your reality, then maybe understanding just how important flossing is will help out. As you continue reading, a dentist in Newark explains how flossing can help prevent major issues!

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