At White Clay Dental, we do everything we can to treat oral health problems early on, before they have an opportunity to cause permanent damage to your smile. Gum disease is one of the most common oral health problems in the United States, and according to the CDC, it impacts one out of every two adults. That’s why we conduct thorough examinations of your teeth and gums during each of your checkups and cleanings in search of any early signs of the issue. If we do spot it, we’ll quickly develop a customized gum disease treatment plan to tackle the problem before the symptoms become more serious.
Gum disease commonly develops due to poor oral hygiene that allows harmful bacteria to accumulate in your mouth. When they feed off of sugars and carbohydrates found in plaque, they produce waste in the form of enamel-eroding acids and toxins that cause inflammation and a variety of other side-effects. As these toxins take over your mouth, they can cause a gum infection that develops into periodontitis, or gum disease.
When plaque and food debris aren’t frequently cleared away because of brushing and flossing, it allows these harmful substances to build-up and overrun your mouth, symptoms of gum disease as well as other oral health problems, such as cavities.
Gum disease in Newark can exhibit a variety of symptoms that range from mild to severe, depending on what stage the disease has had a chance to progress to. Some of the early signs include:
When the issue is left unaddressed, it can turn into a more advanced form that exhibits severe symptoms, which include:
When you spot any of these symptoms, it’s important to immediately contact our office so we can conduct a thorough examination of your mouth. This will allow us to customize a gum disease treatment plan to address, and hopefully reverse the symptoms you’re experiencing.
Based on our checkup, we’ll let you know whether you can benefit from scaling and root planing, which is our gum disease treatment. During the procedure, we’ll make sure to remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth and gumline, even as far down as the roots of your teeth if pockets of bacteria have formed. During your next appointment, we’ll smooth out the roots of your teeth to encourage them to reattach to your gums.
After your treatment, we’ll provide you with some instructions to make a fast recovery and ease the tenderness you may feel once your sedation wears off. If you have any questions or concerns following the procedure, be sure to contact our office!